Don't you love those friendly-yet-competitive activities, where it doesn't matter who wins, everyone has a blast! Sportrock Climbing League is a fun and lighthearted competition series open to adult climbers (16+) of all abilities. Climbers form teams and compete in three different competitions throughout the season. The competitions take place on boulders, that are specifically set for the league, in the SRPI. Sportrock Climbing League is your chance to put together a team with friends of all skill levels. Not convinced? We’ve put together 4 reasons why you should sign up for Sportrock Climbing League this season!
Sportrock Climbing League is an awesome way to try out competition-style climbing that you wouldn’t normally find in the gym. Competition climbing, or comp climbing, differs from more traditional climbing in several ways. First, comp climbs encourage climbers to perform more “showy” movements that are both difficult for the climber and look good for the crowd! Think big jumping movements (dynos) and very delicate balance movements (slab climbing). Second, comp climbs often consist of a collection of volumes that are large, geometric holds. This creates a certain aesthetic for comp climbs that also differs from traditional climbing. Finally, comp climbs are often not straightforward climbs. Though comp climbs can be any difficulty, the specific techniques needed to complete them, or the beta, can be trickier than usual.

When competing in the Sportrock Climbing League you will get to try out “flash format” climbing. This is similar to the rules of a professional bouldering competition! You will have four minutes per boulder problem to decipher the beta and get as high as you get. There will also be a judge present to sign off on your progress instead of the usual scorecard and honor system that you may be used to in a normal climbing competition. While four minutes may sound like a lot of time to do one boulder problem, remember that comp style problems are not easy to read! When climbers competed in the 2021 Tokyo Olympics they followed a similar format.
Climbing is generally a solo or duo activity. Even when you are top roping or lead climbing with a partner, it is just you on the wall while they belay. And while your partner shouts up encouragement, it is ultimately a solo act. Sportrock Climbing League provides the unique opportunity to climb as a team! It’s not often that you get to feel the comradery of team sports in rock climbing, but trust us when we say you will be heavily invested in the success of your teammates!

Your team will get one session with a coach during the season. If you have never been coached in climbing before, it is well worth it. While it’s useful to climb with friends with whom you can share beta, tips, and tricks, coaches are trained to identify specific weaknesses in climbers and can teach you how to directly address them. You will think about your climbing differently after one session with a climbing coach. For instance, you may know that you favor smaller, crimpier holds to larger, slopier holds. But a coach may be able to point out that while you do need to practice holding onto big rounded holds, or slopers, it is in fact, your footwork that needs the most attention. These kinds of insights take a keen, trained eye to see and are well worth it!
Well, what are you waiting for? Go sign up! If you don’t have a team ready to go, that’s okay. Check out our list of free agents to create one.
Climbing leagues can be a great way to up your bouldering game in a Friendly Competition setting.