Last Chance To Save On Summer Camp!
For $50 off all week-long summer camp offerings use code SRCAMP-WEEK50 at checkout.
Don't miss your last chance to save on Summer Camps this year. Priority camp dates fill up quickly!
The code will expire on March 1st
No-School Day Camps
When schools are out for breaks and major holidays, you can send the kids to our climbing camps. This camp is not offered in the summer.
Price: $125/day
Minimum Age:
No prerequisites. Indoors only.
No-School Day Camps
No school? No problem! Sportrock is offering full day camps when school is closed for the day! Campers will spend the day playing climbing related games and climbing of course . Campers will have a blast as they get much needed physical activity and interaction with their peers in a safe and supportive setting.

What to Bring:
Gear Included:
Climbing Shoes
Water Bottle
A Snack
Athletic Shoes & Clothing