For $65 off all week-long summer camp offerings use code SRCAMP-WEEK65 at checkout.
Don't miss the best summer camp pricing of the Season. Priority camp dates fill up quickly!
The code will expire on February 1st
Summer Day Camps
Let your kids discover the world of climbing for a day with this flexible program.
Price: $125/day
Minimum Age:
No prerequisites. Indoors only.
Monday – Friday | 9:00am-3:00pm
Summer Day Camps
Not sure if a week-long camp is the right fit for your child? Sportrock Day Camp is designed for kids who want to explore the world of climbing for the day! This camp is action-packed, filled with climbing, games, and fun from 9am until 3pm. Day Camp is the perfect way for your child to spend the day this summer!
What to Bring:
Gear Included:
Climbing Shoes
A Water Bottle
A Snack and Lunch
Athletic Shoes & Clothing