Proposals and weddings are not a daily occurrence at a climbing gym, but things work a little differently with our community at Sportrock. So, when these things happen, we make sure they’re memorable.
For those who like to stick to tradition, proposals happen at restaurants, on hot air balloon rides, or maybe in front of the Eiffel Tower if you’re very fancy (the most popular proposal spot in the world according to For those same by-the-book types, weddings happen in churches or courthouses, but not for the adventurous like Nate and Meg.

Nate and Meg met at Sportrock when their respective climbing partners failed to show up for a workout. Not wanting to throw away a good climbing session by calling it a day, they paired up and climbed together. Perhaps the chemistry was undeniable or maybe a spark was kindled because of entrusting your life to your climbing partner. Or maybe it was the romantic atmosphere as chalk flew in the air. But as fate would have it and in true rom-com fashion, the two hit it off and continued to climb together.

A year later, Nate proposed to Meg on the top out boulder at the Alexandria facility. When it was time to plan their wedding, Sportrock was the obvious venue.
Although we want to think that Sportrock is an integral part of their relationship, but knowing that the couple has unique and highly classified careers with the government (we would tell you, but we would have to kill you), is the more probable reason why they made an uncommon and a top-secret ceremony venue choice.

It was very hush-hush, not even their family knew. They had everyone meet at a different location, a bit of a red herring. The couple only revealed the event venue to their family and friends on the day of the wedding when everyone was bussed to Sportrock.
Our President, Lillian Chao-Quinlan, performed the ceremony on the top out boulder, the same place where Nate proposed to Meg. Meg and Nate, who were in classic wedding attire, climbed to the top of the boulder for the ceremony.
The entire gym was closed for the wedding. The band played in the 60-foot rope climbing area, the food was served in the bouldering area, and the bar was at the front desk. It was an excellent day for Sportrock and a nearly perfect day for Meg and Nate.

We wish the bride and groom the very best. We are thrilled to have been a part of their relationship and we absolutely love that they are a part of our amazing community. Here’s to a happy ever after!
For more information about Meg and Nate’s unique wedding and the event services offered by Sportrock Climbing Centers, contact us via phone or email.

We may not be matchmakers, but we have some great tips about Choosing The Perfect Climbing Partner!